Frequently Asked Questions on BIAN Membership

- BIAN is an open association for the Financial Services Industry. Banks, software vendors, service providers and consultancies are all more than welcome to join our association. The Membership of banks is especially appreciated because of their special role and knowledge.
- Please view the list BIAN Members who approved to post the logos on the website.
- BIAN Members can view the entire member and collaboration list on the BIAN internal collaboration portal.
- Please subscribe and we will get in contact with your company representative to get you onboarded and engaged in BIAN.
- Access to the BIAN internal collaboration portal (BIAN Wiki)
- Access to the BIAN internal meetings
- Access to the BIAN Introduction Sessions regarding the BIAN content such as:
- General Intro & Design Principles
- Enterprise Architecture approach of BIAN Â
- Applying the Standard and APIs Â
- Q&A Session
- Access to the BIAN Online Training
- Access to all meeting minutes
- Access to all BIAN deliverables in other formats than pdf and powerpoint
- Access to all work in progress deliverables
- Access to all Working Groups and participation in your selected BIAN Working Group(s)
- Full access to the BIAN Open API Sandbox environment
- Networking with your peers
Download the BIAN Member Advocacy Programm – click here
- A non-member has only access to the published materials in read-only mode.
- A member has access to all materials (view previous question)
- Both have full access to the BIAN Open API Sandbox environment
To become a member of BIAN, please contact us. We are happy to provide you all necessary information.
- Banks (except Federal Banks & Central Banks) and other financial institutions that are not Software or Technology Service Providers pay an annual membership fee in an amount of 20.000,00 EURO.
- Federal Banks & Central Banks pay an annual membership fee in an amount of 10.000,00 EURO.
- Software or Technology Service Providers with > 249 employees pay an annual membership fee in an amount of 30.000,00 EURO.
- Software or Technology Service Providers with < 249 employees pay an annual membership fee in an amount of 10.000,00 EURO.
- Software or Technology Service Providers with <50 employees pay an annual membership fee in an amount of 5.000,00 EURO.
- Academic Partners do not pay a membership fee similar to other (not for-profit) standard bodies.
Depending on the admission of membership, BIAN offers a pro-rata calculation.
The BIAN Statutes are posted on the BIAN site. Additional membership documents such as the Membership Agreement, the BIAN Fee Schedule and the Intellectual Property Policy can be requested. Please send an email to: