How to Use The Model API Sandbox
The BIAN Model APIs are meant to provide access to the various artefacts in the BIAN Model.
The BIAN Model API Sandbox can be accessed  here: (Please note that is now defunct and will be decommissioned soon).
The BIAN Model API Sandbox Postman Collection can be accessed here:Â BIAN Model Access API Sandbox_v1.postman_collection.json
We recommend getting an understanding of the BIAN model before starting to use these APIs. A comprehensive guide to the BIAN model can be found here: Practitioner Guide.
Please DO NOT post any confidential data using this API . Any data posted via this endpoint is accessible to everyone.
The Terms of Service for using this service can be found here.
The BIAN artefacts are:
- Metas – Meta data on the model data managed by this API – specifically the Organisation and Version.
- Business Areas
- Business Domains
- Service Domains
- Business Objects
- Business Object Classes
- Business Object Enumerations
- Business Object Data Types
- Business Object Primitive Types
- Business Scenarios
- Scenario Groups – Groups of functionally related business scenarios
- Service Domain APIs
- Service Domain Information Html Pages (as in
We provide endpoints to access the above information, as well as to provide (POST) BIAN compliant artefacts that you might have implemented to be hosted as ‘Reference Implementations’ within BIAN.
We will also review any reference implementations and add it back to the BIAN model if we find that it enriches the BIAN model.
The POST /Token endpoint is required to generate an authentication token to call the POST endpoints.
The GET endpoints do not need authorisation.
To call the POST /Token endpoint you would need an username and password.Please expand the /Token endpoint in the API swagger definition to find out more.
These endpoints manage Meta data related to the BIAN model data. The key attributes are Organisation and Version. eg: Organisation = BIAN and Version = 10.0.0.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Below is a list of endpoints to manage the Meta information:
The key endpoint is highlighted in the red box, above.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Areas
These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Areas.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields are highlighted in the red boxes, above.
Below is a list of endpoints to manage the BusinessArea information:
The key endpoint is highlighted in the red box, above.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Domains
These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Domains.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields are highlighted in the red boxes, above.
Below is a list of endpoints to manage the BusinessDomain information:
The key endpoint is highlighted in the red box, above.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Service Domains
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Service Domains.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields are highlighted in the red boxes, above.
Below is a list of endpoints to manage the ServiceDomain information:
Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /ServiceDomainsBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Service Domain. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Service Domain.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /ServiceDomains endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Objects
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Objects.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
FeatureUID – ID of the fields/attributes that belong to this business object
FeatureName – Name of the field /attribute that belongs to this business object
OwnerNameBelow is a list of endpoints to manage the ServiceDomain informationSome of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BusinessObjectsBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Object.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BusinessObjects endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Object Classes
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Object Classes.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
AttributeList - List of fields/attributes that belong to this business object classFor each Attribute:
And one of:
a. BOEnumeration – If the attribute is a BO Enumeration, then the BO Enumeration object is defined, else it is null.
b. BODataType – If the attribute is a BO DataType, then the BOÂ DataType object is defined, else it is null.
c. BOPrimitiveType – If the attribute is a BO DataType, then the BO DataType object is defined, else it is null.Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BOClassesBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Object Class.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BOClasses endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Object Enumerations
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Object Enumerations.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
AttributeList - List of fields/attributes that belong to this business object enumerationFor each Attribute:
EnumerationLiterals – each EnumerationLiteral is one possible value of the enumeration. Each Enumeration Literal has key attributes such as BianId, Name, and Description.Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BOEnumerationsBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Object Enumeration.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BOEnumerations endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Business Object Data Types
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Object Data Types.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
DescriptionSome of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BODataTypesBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Object Data Type.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BODataTypes endpoints.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it
Business Object Primitive Types
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Object Primitive Types.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
DescriptionSome of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BOPrimitiveTypesBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object Primitive Type. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Object Primitive Type.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BOPrimitiveTypes endpoints.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it
Business Scenarios
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Business Scenarios.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
DescriptionServiceConnections – each ‘ServiceConnection’ contains:
- ‘FromServiceConectionPart’ – This is the Service Domain from where the Service Connection originates. Key attribute: ‘
- ‘ToServiceConectionPart’ – This is the Service Domain to where the Service Connection is made. Key attribute: ‘
‘ServiceDomainName’ and ‘ServiceOperationDescription’
Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /BusinessScenariosBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Scenario.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /BusinessScenarios endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
- ‘FromServiceConectionPart’ – This is the Service Domain from where the Service Connection originates. Key attribute: ‘
Scenario Groups – Groups of functionally related business scenarios
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to (Business) Scenario Groups.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
DescriptionBusinessScenarios - each BusinessScenario has the attributes needed to define them.
Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the /ScenarioGroupsBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Scenario. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Business Scenario.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /ScenarioGroups endpoints; in this case you will need to use pagination as described in the endpoint description.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Service Domain APIs
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Service Domain APIs.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
OAS3_YAML – the YAML for the Service Domain API in OAS3 format.Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the GET /ApisBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Business Object. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each Service Domain API.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /Apis endpoints.
Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.
Service Domain Information Html Pages (as in
- These group of endpoints provide the ability to GET and POST (if you are providing a reference implementation or feedback) data related to Service Domain Information Html Pages.
The schema as available in the API definition is as follows:
Some of the key fields such are highlighted in the red boxes, above:
WpPageURL – URL of the html page (in the API Portal)
HtmlContent – the content of the page in HTML format (in API Portal).The HtmlContent has the following key content:
- A link to the BIAN API Console
- Executive Summary
- Examples of Use
- Related Business Scenarios
- Core Business Object
- Key Features
Some of the key endpoint are highlighted in the red box, above.
We recommend starting with one of the GET /HtmlPagesBasic endpoints, to get the BianId and Name for each Html Page. The BianId or Name can then be used to call one of the other endpoints to get detailed information about each HtmlPage.
If you need to have the entire dataset, then please call one of the GET /HtmlPages endpoints.Please expand each endpoint in the API definition to find more information and on how to call it.