API Console

Swagger | Microservice

Executive Summary

This service domain orchestrates the scheduled maintenance and transactional activities associated with credit card product fulfillment

Examples of Use

An established card customer uses his or her credit card for a purchase and settles the balance of the card account at the monthly payment cycle

Role Definition

This service domain handles both credit and charge card fulfillment. The main functional difference being the different re-payment and credit handling structures of the two types of card product. Note that unlike a current accounts, card products are typically fulfilled through specialised credit card companies using a card network that links issuing banks and merchant acquiring banks for authorization, clearing and settlement activities. 

Debit cards (i.e. devices to access a normal bank account) do not come under this Service Domain.

Related Business Scenarios

Core Business Object

Card Payment Agreement

Key Features

  • – Set-up a credit card account
  • – Process card transactions (authorizations)
  • – Calculate interest and fees
  • – Initiate and track dispute resolutions
  • – Initiate customer billing
  • – Process clearing and settlement