A BIAN Working Group represents a distinct community of BIAN member bankers and consultants working on a specific part of achieving the BIAN goals. There are Service Definition Working Groups, which are focussed on verifying, enhancing and completing the BIAN Landscape and there are supporting Working Groups, which are enabling the correct and efficient functioning of the Service Definition Working Groups.
Learn more about the scope of the BIAN Working Groups:
Architecture Working Groups
- Architecture, Framework & Foundation (AF&F)
- Business Capability Models
- Certification
- Event Driven Architecture
- Information Architecture
- Service Landscape
Service Definition Working Groups
- Bank Relations
- Card Products
- Corporate Banking Products
- Fraud Management
- Investment & Trading Products
- Lending
- Payments
- Retail Banking & Consumer
Strategic Working Groups
Strategic Initiative
Architecture- and Strategic Working Groups set the rules and guidelines for the Service Definition Working Groups. They are also responsible for enabling and furthering the use of the BIAN Landscape in the banking and consulting communities at large.
BIAN Membership is required to participate in a BIAN Working Group. Service Definition Working Groups manage a set of Service Domains by describing their Roles and the Services they provide. In order to do so the Working Groups define end-to-end Business Scenarios in which the Service Domains they manage play a central role. Business Scenarios show how Service Domains interact to achieve a specified Business Goal. By doing so the Working Groups define and verify these interactions, not just of the Service Domains they manage, but also of the other Service Domains required to achieve the specified Business Goals.